In LHCb applications identically process events either collected by the real detector itself or events produced by the simulation software. Gauss is the main simulation framework in LHCb that handles the event generation step and tracking of particles through the detector material.
This documentation refers to the newest version of the Gauss framework based on Gaussino and to be deployed for future Sim11 production campaigns.
Documentation relative to earlier versions can be currently found from the older Gauss Project web site.
For information on the Simulation Project and other simulation software and tools refer to the Simulation Project web site

Simulations in LHCb detector with Gauss-on-Gaussino

Generation and detector transport phases in Gauss
Gauss relies on Gaussino, which provides all the core simulation functionalities. If you wish to work with Gaussino only, please follow its documentation:

Gauss (-on-Gaussino) dependencies for Sim11 and beyond.
Gauss is configured following the same modular structure as in Gaussino:
the generation of events,
the detector simulation,
LHCb (DetDesc/DD4hep) geometry import,
monitoring and saving of the simulation output.

Modular structure of Gauss.