Adding a new DD4hep sub-detector with Detector

Updated with future upgrades detectors in mind

Preparing Gauss for adding new sub-detectors

Make sure that before you start this tutorial you have followed the examples that show how to build Gauss with DD4hep support as described in the section Installation.

Checklist to activate a sub-detector

Once you have correctly configured Gauss, you can start integrating your sub-detector with the simulation framework. We have prepared a list of the required tasks:

  1. xml writer basic information

  2. Implement python configuration

  3. Check if extra modifications are needed

  4. Create a MR in Gauss targeting master branch

xml writer basic information

In order to load the geometry in Gauss from the Detector project, you have to make sure that your sub-detector is completely described in XML files in Detector/compact/ directory of the Detector project. Therefore, Gauss has to know what is the hierarchy of the volumes in the geometry and this has to be implemented in is the tool that generates the custom LHCb.xml file used to completely describe the detector. It requires knowledge of what lines need to be added whenever a subdetecter is requested. This information lives inside each subdetector’s relevant [subdetector].py script. Nowadays, does not need to be touched.

A temporary XML file will be created in /tmp on your local machine when it runs.

Implement python configuration

What happens in Gauss is that we use the python configuration to decide which sub-detectors should be included and which not. If a sub-detector is added, then all of its XML files have to be imported. Please note that Gauss has to support both DD4hep and DetDesc geometries and therefore we need a separate configuration for each of them. Python configuration of each sub-detector should be handled in a separate python file in Sim/Gauss/python/Gauss/Detectors/. We will use VP again as an example. In this case, a file is already there. If the sub-detector is completely new, you should create a new file and add the following import in

+ from Gauss.Detectors.VP import *

You have to make sure that your sub-detector class inherits from det_base and uses the subdetector decorator. There is also a set of functions that have to be implemented.

For Future Upgrades detector, there is a slight caveat As there are no plans on supporting DetDesc with any Future Upgrades subdetector, the function ApplyDetectorDetDesc below can be left blank.

For VP:

from Gauss.Detectors.det_base import det_base
from Gauss.Detectors.Helpers import subdetector

class VP(det_base):

    def ApplyDetectorDetDesc(self, basePieces, detPieces):
        # Add the necessary detector pieces for DetDesc

    def ApplyDetectorDD4hep(self, basePieces, detPieces):
        # Add a list of all the necessary DD4hep includes

    def SetupExtractionImpl(self, slot=''):
        # Configure the hit getter that transforms the Geant4 hit collection
        # to our event model. Wrapping function in base class configures SimConf.

    def SetupMonitor(self, slot=''):
        # Set up any necessary monitoring algorithms

Therefore, in order to use the DD4hep implementation of your sub-detector you have to implement ApplyDetectorDetDesc and populate the LHCbGeo._listOfXMLIncludes_ list with the XML files required for your sub-detector. If your sub-detector is registering hits, then you should also provide a mapping between the name of the sensitive volume and the name of the factory used to construct the sensitive detector object. For VP we have:

def ApplyDetectorDD4hep(self, compVersion, basePieces, detPieces):
    # Configuring the DD4hep detector conversion.
    # 1. Add the mapping to have the LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc instrument
    # the G4 volume with the correct sensdet factory if marked with a
    # dd4hep sensitive detector named VP
    from Configurables import LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc

    mappings = LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc().getProp("SensDetMappings")
    mappings["VP"] = "GiGaSensDetTrackerDD4hep/VPSDet"
    LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc().SensDetMappings = mappings

    # Add the necessary dd4hep includes for the VP. Also added all the
    # dependencies for material definitions that were identified using
    # trial and error. As the list is made unique before being added to
    # the xml this should be fine if they appear in multiple places
    from Gauss.Geometry import GaussGeometry


Check if extra modifications are needed

This is more as a reminder. You have to make sure that the extraction hits classes and monitoring classes are implemented or modernized. Moreover, some sub-detectors use non-standard classes that might need additional changes for the Detector/DD4hep implementation. This has to be checked.

Create a MR in Gauss targeting master branch

Simply follow the same procedure as in: Developing Gauss.

Put the sub-detector in the nightly and LHCbPR tests


The generic way of doing this is a work-in-progress.