# (c) Copyright 2000-2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
from Gauss.Detectors.BeamPipe import BeamPipe
from Gauss.Detectors.det_base import det_base
from Gauss.Detectors.Helpers import getDetConditionPath, subdetector
class FT(det_base):
__slots__ = {}
def ApplyDetectorDD4hep(self, compVersion, basePieces, detPieces):
# Configuring the DD4hep detector conversion.
# 1. Add the mapping to have the LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc instrument
# the G4 volume with the correct sensdet factory if marked with a
# dd4hep sensitive detector named FT
from Configurables import LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc
mappings = LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc().getProp("SensDetMappings")
mappings["FT"] = "GiGaSensDetTrackerDD4hep/FTSDet"
LHCbDD4hepCnvSvc().SensDetMappings = mappings
# Add the necessary dd4hep includes for the FT. Also added all the
# dependencies for material definitions that were identified using
# trial and error. As the list is made unique before being added to
# the xml this should be fine if they appear in multiple places
from Gauss.Geometry import GaussGeometry
def ApplyDetectorDetDesc(self, basePieces, detPieces):
region = "AfterMagnetRegion"
if "T" not in detPieces[region]:
detPieces[region] += ["T/FT"]
if "T/PipeInT" not in detPieces[region]:
detPieces[region] += ["T/PipeInT"]
region = "DownstreamRegion"
if "NeutronShielding" not in detPieces[region]:
detPieces[region] += ["NeutronShielding"]
def SetupExtractionImpl(self, slot=""):
if self.getProp("UseDD4hep"):
from Configurables import GetTrackerHitsAlg
from Configurables import GetTrackerHitsAlgDetDesc as GetTrackerHitsAlg
self.simconf_name = "FT"
det = "FT"
alg = GetTrackerHitsAlg(
"Get" + det + "Hits" + slot,
MCHitsLocation="MC/" + det + "/Hits",
CollectionName=det + "SDet/Hits",
if not self.getProp("UseDD4hep"):
alg.Detector = getDetConditionPath(
"AfterMagnetRegion/T", det, self.getProp("UseDD4hep")
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [alg]
def SetupMonitor(self, slot=""):
from Configurables import MCHitMonitor
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits
myZStations = [
7938.0 * SystemOfUnits.mm,
8625.0 * SystemOfUnits.mm,
9315.0 * SystemOfUnits.mm,
myZStationXMax = 350.0 * SystemOfUnits.cm
myZStationYMax = 350.0 * SystemOfUnits.cm
moni = MCHitMonitor(
"FTHitMonitor" + slot,
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [moni]