Source code for Gauss.Detectors.Velo

# (c) Copyright 2000-2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
#                                                                             #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
#                                                                             #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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from Gaudi.Configuration import Configurable, log
from Gauss.Detectors.det_base import det_base
from Gauss.Detectors.Helpers import subdetector

[docs]@subdetector class Velo(det_base): __slots__ = { "State": "BeamPipeOn", }
[docs] @staticmethod def checkVeloDDDB(): """ Check if the Velo geometry is compatible with the chosen tags """ from Configurables import GaussGeometry from DetCond.Configuration import CondDB # set validity limits for Velo geometry # first postMC09 Velo geometry GTagLimit1 = "head-20091120" GTagLimit1 = GTagLimit1.split("-")[1].strip() VeloLTagLimit1 = "velo-20091116" VeloLTagLimit1 = VeloLTagLimit1.split("-")[1].strip() # Thomas L. Velo geometry GTagLimit2 = "head-20100119" GTagLimit2 = GTagLimit2.split("-")[1].strip() VeloLTagLimit2 = "velo-20100114" VeloLTagLimit2 = VeloLTagLimit2.split("-")[1].strip() # DDDB global tag used DDDBDate = GaussGeometry().GeometryVersion DDDBDate = DDDBDate.split("-") # Check if DDDB tag has a regular format # (instead of e.g. a user git branch) if len(DDDBDate) > 1: DDDBDate = DDDBDate[1].strip() if DDDBDate.isdigit(): # check if/which local tag is used for Velo cdb = CondDB() cdbVeloDate = 0 for p in cdb.LocalTags: if p == "DDDB": taglist = list(cdb.LocalTags[p]) for ltag in taglist: if ltag.find("velo") != -1: cdbVeloDate = ltag.split("-")[1].strip() # Put this here rather than as an argument VeloPostMC09 = 0 # check if the selected tags require # one of the postMC09 Velo geometries if (DDDBDate >= GTagLimit1) or (cdbVeloDate >= VeloLTagLimit1): VeloPostMC09 = 1 if (DDDBDate >= GTagLimit2) or (cdbVeloDate >= VeloLTagLimit2): VeloPostMC09 = 2 return VeloPostMC09 log.warning( "DDDB tag not parsable as date. " "Using post-MC09 velo geometry : %s" % (DDDBDate) ) return 2
[docs] def veloMisAlignGeometry(self, VeloPostMC09): """ File containing the list of detector element to explicitely set to have misalignement in the VELO. """ # remove Automatically included detector elements from Gauss.Detectors.BeamPipe import BeamPipe BeamPipe.removeBeamPipeElements("velo") from Gauss.Geometry import GaussGeometry go = GaussGeometry._listOfGeoObjects_ if "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo" in go: go.remove("/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo") go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/ModulePU00"] go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/ModulePU02"] go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/ModulePU01" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/ModulePU03" ] # NOQA txt = "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/ModuleXX" import math for i in range(42): nr = str(i) if len(nr) == 1: nr = "0" + str(i) temp1 = txt.replace("XX", nr) if math.modf(float(nr) / 2.0)[0] > 0.1: temp1 = temp1.replace("Left", "Right") go += [temp1] go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/DownStreamWakeFieldCone" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/UpStreamWakeFieldCone" ] # NOQA if VeloPostMC09 == 1: # description postMC09 of Velo (head-20091120), # problem with Velo Tank simulation go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VacTank"] go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/DownstreamPipeSections" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/UpstreamPipeSections" ] # NOQA elif VeloPostMC09 == 2: # Thomas L. newer description postMC09 of Velo # --- Velo Right go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/RFBoxRight" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/DetSupportRight" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/ConstSysRight" ] # NOQA # --- Velo Left go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/RFBoxLeft" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/DetSupportLeft" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/ConstSysLeft" ] # NOQA # --- Velo go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/DownstreamPipeSections" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/UpstreamPipeSections" ] # NOQA go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VacTank"] else: go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/UpStreamVacTank"] go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/DownStreamVacTank" ] # NOQA go += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloRight/RFFoilRight" ] # NOQA go += ["/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Velo/VeloLeft/RFFoilLeft"]
def ApplyDetectorDetDesc(self, basePieces, detPieces): VeloP = Velo.checkVeloDDDB() if VeloP == 1 or VeloP == 2: basePieces["BeforeMagnetRegion"] = [] # Also sort out mis-alignment VeloP = Velo.checkVeloDDDB() # No need to misalign if only PuVeto exits - check me PSZ. self.veloMisAlignGeometry(VeloP) # To misalign VELO def SetupExtractionImpl(self, slot=""): from Configurables import GetTrackerHitsAlgDetDesc self.simconf_name = "Velo" region = "BeforeMagnetRegion" det = "Velo" alg = GetTrackerHitsAlgDetDesc( "Get" + det + "Hits" + slot, MCHitsLocation="MC/" + det + "/Hits", CollectionName=det + "SDet/Hits", Detector="/dd/Structure/LHCb/" + region + "/" + det, ) from Configurables import ApplicationMgr ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [alg] def SetupMonitor(self, slot=""): from Configurables import VeloGaussMoni moni = VeloGaussMoni("VeloGaussMoni" + slot) from Configurables import ApplicationMgr ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [moni]